The Wane of Winter

Model: Deliane Jacobine Lefevre Assistants: Nadja S. Jensen & Tenna V. Olesen Photographer/Dress/MUA: Sabrina Nielsen Headpiece: Creations by Liv Free Cape: Plussoyance Créations

Model: Deliane Jacobine Lefevre Assistants: Nadja S. Jensen & Tenna V. Olesen Photographer/Dress/MUA: Sabrina Nielsen Headpiece: Plussoyance Créations

Model: Deliane Jacobine Lefevre Assistants: Nadja S. Jensen & Tenna V. Olesen Photographer/Dress/MUA: Sabrina Nielsen Headpiece: Hysteria Machine

Model: Deliane Jacobine Lefevre Assistants: Nadja S. Jensen & Tenna V. Olesen Photographer/Dress/MUA: Sabrina Nielsen Headpiece/Collar: Plussoyance Créations

This epic photo session with all white costumes has been in the makings for more than a year. It's started out with a completely different concept for which I created the two dresses in the last six photos. Due to circumstances, that concept was dropped and it then became some else and then finally when Plussoyance Créations sent me her beautiful white headpieces, we decided to do an epic Winter Queen shoot. I created two extra dresses, so we could do four costumes changes. The headpieces by Hysteria Machine and Liv Free are part of my growing headpiece collection. So the costumes were gathered and matched with three different white wigs.
I have to say, shooting four costumes in one day is not something I normally do and I found that task a bit daunting and did a lot of planning for how the day was going to go down. Of course, I had to throw that plan out of the window, when I forgot to bring one of the dresses to our first location. Genius, that I am, I forgot the dress for the Hysteria Machine headpiece and I didn't realize it until the moment when Deliane had to change into that dress.
To make our lives easier, I had planned that we could go to a nearby location and do the first two looks and then return home for lunch and a makeup change. Then we'd drive to a location further away. Well that didn't happen.
We finished the first costume and then went back home and had lunch, having decided to just shoot all three remaining looks on the second location. This meant that I couldn't do a makeup change before we left, because I still wanted the initial makeup for the second costume.
Out on the second location, Deliane became very cold, because, well, it was very cold. With a chill factor of just above freezing, it was a very cold shoot. I decided to not alter her makeup on location, just to save us time. We pumped through the looks and while it was cold, we had fun as usual.
I'd bought along fresh flowers to use in the photos, because I wanted to add just a small element of spring to the otherwise very wintry setting.
Most of the photos were published in Gilded Magazine, one on the cover!! :D